ronnie williams

 Creating Health through Complementary Therapies



Hand Massage & Hand Reflexology


Hand massage (based on principles of Hand Reflexology) can be learned in an enjoyable one-day workshop or in four weekly two-hour sessions and will give you  new health-boosting skills which you can also share with family and friends.


Working on your own hands is an enjoyable and relaxing way of taking time out of a busy day to give yourself an energy boost or improve concentration and feelings of well-being and vitality.  If may also help you experience relief from minor health problems such as headache and migraine,  nasal and sinus congestion, indigestion, poor circulation, and other minor symptoms caused by tension and stress.  It is safe to use alongside treatment from your doctor  or a complementary therapist.  Used regularly it can have lasting positive effects.


As well as learning to give hand-massage to yourself you will learn how to apply the simple techniques for another person’s relaxation and well-being.  Because hand massage is based on principles of reflexology, all areas of the body may benefit in a positive way.  By following the guidelines you can help people to relax and get a better night’s sleep, relieve worry and anxiety, headaches and migraine, improve digestive function and elimination of toxins from the body.  It can therefore be a great aid to people who are carers, giving them an opportunity to spend time not only with family and friends but also clients and colleagues who will enjoy the benefits of therapeutic touch and time out in a relaxing atmosphere on a 1-1 basis.


As a teacher and practitioner of complementary therapies for over 20 years I have taught hand reflexology to many students as part of their reflexology training.  Whilst learning hand massage you will acquire some sensible and necessary guidelines for applying your new skills, although it is quite safe to use in all but a very few situations.  Some basic knowledge of anatomy and physiology is helpful but is not essential.


With a reasonable level of concentration and dexterity all age groups from teens to seniors can learn the hand-massage techniques.  Handouts and charts are provided.  Each participant needs to provide their own pillow, two hand towels, and some (unperfumed if possible) moisturising cream or lotion.


If you would like to arrange a course or workshop for your friends, clients or colleagues, please contact me for more information.  I am available to teach weekdays as well as weekends and will travel within the Greater Manchester area.